Saturday, August 11, 2007

blog blog and blog

So I've been perusing the numerous knitting blogs today and I have to say that this internet thing is really catching on! I know people love to read about other people's lives and what they're knitting and the lovely yarns they buy. Wow. Anyway, I'm posting this on my very own blog because I read a whole lot of really nice things written about Lint and I just want to say thank you. Thanks for letting me know that you appreciated our little adventure. It makes me tear up a little, ok a lot, but I won't regret making room for the other wonderful local shop owners to thrive. If you haven't heard yet, Mabel's is also closing it's yarn store starting tomorrow. Please visit them, if only to buy a cup of joe. I know I will. And keep knitting, and buying yarn locally. You can't knit all that internet stuff anyway. I know your stash is brimming already. Okay, tangent... thanks again guys, I love you too. -M

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